Alpha innotech red manual
Alpha innotech red manual

alpha innotech red manual alpha innotech red manual

Total number (A-C) or proportion (D-F) of plaques per well image counted by the Viridot automatic parameter-identification program that are discordant with analyst-estimated plaque counts. The panel to the right includes options to save plaque count tables, circled plaque images, and plaque sizes.Įvaluation of the Viridot automatic parameter-identification mode for a training set and two test sets.

alpha innotech red manual

The plaque count is shown above the image. A well containing DENV plaques is shown, with counted plaques circled in red and the well area in which plaques were counted circled in blue. Selection of plates and images for analysis is shown in the center.

alpha innotech red manual

The scrollable panel on the left contains the parameter settings for plaque counting and buttons to load and save parameter settings. Well images reflect separate experiments done by different analysts. The image in which plaques have been counted is shown below, with the resulting plaque count printed in the top left corner. The type of camera used for acquiring the image, cell type for infection, and the virus (with location and year of isolation) is printed above each raw image. This unit was manufactured in 2007, is in excellent condition, has been fully tested by our Scientific Research staff and comes with a 90-day warranty.Example well images of DENV and ZIKV plaques and resulting Viridot plaques counts. 6.0.2 pre-installed on computer) for image acquisition (includes movie modes etc.). The system uses Alpha Innotech’s ‘easy to use’ AlphaEase FC software (V. The unit can also be used for chemiluminescence capture. Includes a high-resolution Alpha Innotech Cold CCD camera which minimizes background noise. Five-step motorized (manual or computer controlled) filter-wheel allows multiple options for specific wavelength range capture (includes EthBr/Coomassie/SYPRO Orange and SYBR Green/SYBR Safe/SYBR Gold/GFP/Fluorescein Filters). The Imaging Cabinet comes with Epi-white light, Epi-UV light, Trans-white light and dual Trans-UV light (365 nm and 302 nm) illumination allowing multiple images techniques to be employed to get the best detail for acquisition. The Alpha Innotech FluorChem FC2 Gel Documentation and Analysis System (GelDoc, Gel Imager) allows simple and easy acquisition of data from many sources including PAGE-gels, agarose gels, petri-dishes, microtiter plates and thin-layer chromatography plates.

Alpha innotech red manual